Senior Creative

Azimo Campaign Calendar

Marketing / Campaign / Brand / Illustration / Digital

Challenge: How to generate customer acquisition growth, increase brand awareness and build brand equity. The Azimo campaign calendar. Through research, data and interviews, I identified events and topics of interest that our customers would relate to. I built campaigns with channel managers, producing graphics for emails, blogs, display, paid social and organic social media channels.

 Azimo campaign calendar

Marketing / Campaign / Brand / Illustration / Digital


Challenge: How to grow customer acquisition, increase brand awareness and build brand equity. I built the Azimo campaign calendar. Through research, data and interviews, I identified events and topics of interest to our customers. I built campaigns with channel managers, producing graphics for emails, blogs, display, paid social and organic social media channels.


53% of Azimo customers are women.
Women make up half of all remittances.

International Women’s Day was an opportunity to celebrate with Azimo’s hardworking customers and employees. The campaign was larger than last year following a record redemption rate for a fee-free offer on the previous year’s campaign.

Celebrating Ramadan Kareem & Eid


Ramadan is about a lot of things, not just the fasting element that we all think about. It is a time of giving and doing good deeds. To tap into this we wanted to celebrate the good work that people were doing in the community.


The Filipino market love competitions.

A cookbook campaign tapped into the communal spirit, culture and behaviours of customers that engaged with past campaigns. prelaunch, launch, post launch.

Who are your Pinoy Heroes?

Another competition for the Filipino market. This time with an opportunity to win a balikbayan box.

People aren’t just sending money. They are sending joy, love and friendship.

Celebrating the end of year with Azimo employees and customers.